Palace of Prince Romanov

This palace was built by Grand Duke Nikolai Konstantinovich, who lived in Tashkent, nephew of Alexander II and grandson of Nicholas I, who, by the will of fate, ended up in exile with us, and he lived the rest of his days in this Tashkent estate, built under his leadership. This building harmoniously combines several styles and is more reminiscent of a European house. While in exile in Tashkent, the prince was engaged in irrigation systems, land development in Turkestan and managed to create a certain capital, with which he bought a huge number of paintings, works of art from the countries of the East and organized an exhibition of art lovers. Exhibition items after his death were nationalized and formed the basis of the Museum of Art.
Today this building is the Reception Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are rooms here that were decorated by folk craftsmen, and at the same time the purely European style of this building is not violated. This is a characteristic building of the Art Nouveau style, very fashionable at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Architect Wilhelm Heinzelmann gave the building a whimsical appearance, made unusually shaped windows, grilles, turrets and columns, as well as life-size sculptures of dogs and deer.
Under Soviet rule, the palace of Prince Romanov in Tashkent was nationalized, and the prince himself died in 1918 (according to one version, from transient pneumonia, according to another, from Bolshevik bullets). In the same year, the palace building housed an art museum. Later, the museum was moved to another part of Tashkent, and the Romanov Palace turned into a house for international receptions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.
Sights of Tashkent
- Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Alisher Navoi
- Palace of Prince Romanov
- Abulkosim Sheikh Madrasah
- Kukeldash Madrasah
- Jami Mosque
- Monument "Courage"
- Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan
- Monument to Alisher Navoi
- Amir Temur Square
- Bunyodkor Square - Friendship of Peoples
- Mustakillik Square
- Chorsu Market
- Tashkent TV tower
- Shahidlar Khotirasi - in memory of the victims of repression